Recipe: Lego cake
My mom, her friend Barbara, and I visited my mom's Godmother (Hilda), during the summer. While we were there, Hilda's granddaughters also came over and watched Rosanna Pansino's channel "Nerdy Nummies." Pansino makes interesting baked goods, and we ended up watching this video of Pansino making a lego cake. After we saw her make the cake, my mom turned to me and said "Are we going to make this for Chris's birthday?"
For those of you who are new to my blog, Chris is my brother. His birthday was earlier this month, and I figured I would make this cake. Pansino says in her video that this cake is easy to make, but I should tell you that it makes a mess, and creating it takes a LOT of patience. I practically spent half the party slaving over the cake-and my brother was very grateful. Chris must've thanked me a dozen times for making it, and devoting some of the party to it's creation.
I like this cake because it's divided into a bunch of sections, and anyone can choose whatever color they want. I also loooooooove marshmallows. However, because it makes a mess and takes a lot of time, I probably won't make this dessert for a long time.
Anyway, I'll stop talking and give you the recipe. You can also find it Betty Crocker's version of the recipe here.
I'm not the artistic one in my family so this came out a bit sloppy lol |
LEGO Cake!
What you'll need:
- 1 box of white cake mix (I used Duncan Hines Since they're the best brand in my opinion)
- Ingredients for the cake mix
- Red, yellow, and blue food-dye drops
- About 2 containers of vanilla frosting
- 12 Marshmallows cut in half
1. Bake the cake according to box instructions.
2. Cool cake in pan for 10 minutes, then remove the cake from the pan before placing it on a cooling rack.
3. Cool the cake for an hour, before placing the cake in the fridge or freezer for an additional hour. I froze the cake overnight because I work full-time now, and had to make the cake late a night.
4. Cut the cake so that there are two rectangular pieces, and two square pieces.
5. Grab three small bowls to color the frosting. Make 1 cup of the frosting red, 1 cup of the frosting yellow, and 2/3 of the frosting blue. Leave the remaining frosting white.
6. In order to seal in the crumbs, you need to frost each piece of cake with a thin layer of frosting. Frost one square white, and another square blue. Frost one rectangular peice with yellow frosting. and the remaining rectangular piece with red frosting.
7. Rerigerate or freeze the cake for 30-60 minutes before giving the cakes their final coating of frosting.
8. Frost 4 marshmallow halves blue, and four marshamallows halves white. Frost eight marshmallow halves yellow, and the remaining eight marshmallows red.
9. When the marshmallows are done, put them on their respective places on each cake.
*Note: Betty Crocker and Pansino tell you to level the cake but I skipped that part because I was in a hurry. The marshmallows still stayed on the cake! I also ended up making one cake pink instead of red because red is hard to make-says my mom! If you're hosting a party where children of both genders are present, having a pink section of the cake is a good idea!
As for this recipe's song, I chose "everything is Awesome" from The Lego Movie. The song may not be about Legos, but everyone who knows the movie knows the song. And even if you've never seen the movie, many shirts will portray the main character with the caption "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!" If you don't know the song, listen to it on Youtube.